5 Days of Madness in Vegas….

Where do I begin here. Another successful trip. I’m a little late on this post so I’ll just post some pics. But I must say I had a few new realizations as well as remembering some of the typical ones: You really can meet some cool people on the net : What up Nicole!, I will always get burned the first day in Vegas, no matter how much $18 – 45 block I put on or how short I play at the tables, breakfast at 5-6am is the best time to meet women…they won’t be expecting it, I really can lose at poker game… I’m still not a fan (and never will be of Caribbean stud – thanks Shaun for helping me loose two Franklins), I will always win at craps but I suck as a teach for it (sorry Shaun but I got my money back), hook ups in Vegas are a must, Shaun you finally asked her…took you damn long enough but we gonna party, Drais is still phat, Rain is cool spot but I think they need better DJs (ME) and if it actually Rained something in there (like free drink tickets!) everyone would have a better time, Rum Jungle is cool but small d-floor, Velvet is a cool location but not set up well for a club, always pass on 9 Jeager shots (at least you didn’t end up in a gutter some where like last time!) and 5 days partying on the strip in Vegas is 2 too many.

I’ll leave you with a few pics from the cam…about the only time I took this out with me was to the clubs and even then I didn’t think much to pull it out still we got to Drais…

Joy in the South Bay…Really?

I‘ve got to give big ups to Rob G, for having me come out and play. I do have to also apologize for going on the decks a little too drunk. I guess since I didn’t practice as much as I had wanted to I tried the liquid courage method to help me through… ohhh no.. Mangazam tells me later, he couldn’t believe the state I was right before I was going on. Well what ever. I had a blast, didn’t train wreck too many times and would definitely like to try and make up for my performance. Which I think I did at Percussion the next week.

If you haven’t been to the FORUM lately you should definitely put this on your to go list, well if you’re in the South Bay. The place is a converted theater, much, like Ruby Sky with out the balcony.
The feel is more chill though with a big emphasis on space to chill, chat and hang out rather than to dance. It’s been remodeled from the old Palace days and looking much better than most SF clubs. The crowd leaves much to be desired. As this caters to the more affluent crowd, there seems to be a reversely proportional number of musically intelligent clientel. No matter, they all get drunk and dance anyways. Too bad there’s not more strippers. Check out the local kids that play up there: Adam12 and Rauser and don’t wear jeans…

Dance is not an answer. Dance is a question. “Yes!” is the answer.

I just put my feet in the ground and move them around.
Fred Astaire

The Last Sundays

Lovin’ it today. By far the warmest October weekend I’ve had in the bay in some time. Can’t complain about a thing either. And why should anyone especially if you went out to the final 2nd Sundays gig this year. I’ve been going the last 4 months, growing out my circle of friends, dancin my ass off to some great house on the bay and tonight – kickin the winter off with a fireworks show. I truly appreciate the promoters that remember who they are catering to and try to give back as much as the receive $$… Yet again I have to say the Norman killed me on the floor. This boy rocks the house every time. Big up to all my boys – and girls – that came out today. Those that I met, I do wish I hooked up the contact but if you are here, drop me a mail. This winter should be fun as hell, if I’m ever around. Big plans for A-ber to get out of town and check out how the otha side lives. Hopefully as fabulous as I am.

Recap of the rest of the weekend. Good show out at ICE last Saturday. Too bad I couldn’t kick it longer – congrats to CH – many happy wishes for your marriage, and for coming out to the BFlip, you girls surprised me on showing up. I didn’t know you like to get down! – I know you guys are gonna keep it rolling through the cold season. Though I didn’t really want to bring it up, I did witness the A’s go down to the Yanks that Sat afternoon. I also noticed they were making people break their brooms brought to signify the sweep. I was told this was because a long broom stick can make for a great weapon. But I guess a short, shard pointy half of one can’t hurt anyone. Go figure? The thinking here is ridiculous but it turned out to be their jinx and the A’s couldn’t pull it through. And not again today so it’s back to NYC. :( All I have to say is, my team, the RAIDERS won today. Hell Yeah! Going up against NY too, next week. Good Luck boys…

Friday was nothin but good food, good friends and a funny ass movie: Bandits. P.F. Changs IS over rated for Chinese food but it’s still some grub when you need some greasy chinese. Just don’t go because of the “atmosphere”, unless you like grumpy yuppies, sapin on martinis and complaining about waiting. Next time we do the lame lunch at a Cheesecake Factory.

The night didn’t end without some drama; so I get to hear more crap about friends going behind other friends for their own means. I never would have known RM to back stab but that’s all f*cked up man. Get your own girlfriend bro. Not only that, get honest with yourself.

And now for me it’s on to a little work on the site, a little work on the job, and some work on the music. More to definitely come and I know you can’t wait. Impatient huh…damn.

“Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love – and to put its trust in life.”
Joseph Conrad

“Relationships–of all kinds–are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open hand, the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on, the sand trickles through your fingers. You may hold onto some of it, but most will be spilled. A relationship is like that. Held loosely, with respect and freedom for the other person, it is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively, and the relationship slips away and is lost.”
-Kaleel Jamison