5 Days of Madness in Vegas….

Where do I begin here. Another successful trip. I’m a little late on this post so I’ll just post some pics. But I must say I had a few new realizations as well as remembering some of the typical ones: You really can meet some cool people on the net : What up Nicole!, I will always get burned the first day in Vegas, no matter how much $18 – 45 block I put on or how short I play at the tables, breakfast at 5-6am is the best time to meet women…they won’t be expecting it, I really can lose at poker game… I’m still not a fan (and never will be of Caribbean stud – thanks Shaun for helping me loose two Franklins), I will always win at craps but I suck as a teach for it (sorry Shaun but I got my money back), hook ups in Vegas are a must, Shaun you finally asked her…took you damn long enough but we gonna party, Drais is still phat, Rain is cool spot but I think they need better DJs (ME) and if it actually Rained something in there (like free drink tickets!) everyone would have a better time, Rum Jungle is cool but small d-floor, Velvet is a cool location but not set up well for a club, always pass on 9 Jeager shots (at least you didn’t end up in a gutter some where like last time!) and 5 days partying on the strip in Vegas is 2 too many.

I’ll leave you with a few pics from the cam…about the only time I took this out with me was to the clubs and even then I didn’t think much to pull it out still we got to Drais…