Happy Easter, for Now…

Easter isn’t a holiday I celebrate much anymore. Not being devout, I don’t participate in lent, go to mass, or celebrate in a religious way. I do however, find the time to bite the ears off some dark chocolate bunnies and eat a hefty brunch of eggs and bloody mary’s.

It seems the trend in America is similar to my own experience. Gallup just released this poll data going back to 1948 showing an inexorable decline in the number of Americans who practice Christianity.

The percentage of Americans who identify with some form of a Christian religion has been dropping in recent decades, and now stands at 77%, according to an aggregate of Gallup Polls conducted in 2008. In 1948, when Gallup began tracking religious identification, the percentage who were Christian was 91%.

This poll shows a long and steady slide toward atheism, agnosticism, and general secularism; so does this mean that the religious right is correct in shouting “Christianity is under attack!” in this country, or does it show my and Gallup’s hypothesis, the further diversification of religion in this country is a result of other groups by definition have expanded (which coincidentally also contradicts the “We are a Christian Nation!” stance).

The Gallup poll shows the heaviest increase in no religious affiliation for the pollsters:

“Other” has been the lump group of all other religions including Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, or other non-Christian religions. This group has grown from close to 0% since inception of this poll, to 7% today.

What this data shows is two things, there’s a growing of the base population in Americas that are of non-christian religious which most notably would be from immigration and reproduction of immigrants holding to these “Other” religions. I don’t believe there is significant conversion but, that theory really can’t be explored with the data presented.

The 2nd interpretation is there is a growing sector of non-religious practicing Americans, and this increase seems to be directly effecting the Christian population in this country, either through loss of believers or over time, families are dissolving their participation in religious practice.

Two social scientists at the National Opinion Research Corporation, Tom W. Smith and Seokho Kim, contemplating similar data from the General Social Survey in 2004, concluded: “In sum, an array of social forces from cohort turnover, to immigration, to reduced retention rates, indicate that the Protestant share of the population will continue to shrink and they will soon lose their majority position in American society.”

More details of how the survey was conducted and concerns in conclusions from the data are available on the link above.

For me, I don’t completely reject organized theism per say but I’m not practicing of any religion. I don’t go to church, mass, participate in lent or confession. Holidays such as Christmas, New Years and Easter are openly celebrated with family and friends more for the opportunity of communal gathering with said people than for their religious implications.

It’s widely known that the origins of Easter are deeply rooted in pagan customs. It was Emperor Constantine that made Easter the “official” holiday, replacing Passover. This Christian Biblical Church of God site has a full break down of the origins of Easter with sources, if interested.

Maybe more people are getting more educated on religion and making their own decisions about their faith and how much they are dedicated to one theology. I don’t need a religion to tell me how to live a good, positive and full life as I live by the golden rule and just try to do the right thing. Enjoy the time with your family and friends, and as long as you still have that solid base, you’ll be alright. Bring on the chocolate!

The Banh Mai Buzz

Bread has been the vehicle of sustenance for ages of afternoon gnash. Every culture seems to have some variation of a “sandwich”, whether it be stuffing vegetables and/or meat in between sliced bread, pita, tortilla, loafs, buns or rolls. In New York, the best known version is the dirty water hot dog sold many corners of every borough. However, my favorite sandwiches are the Spicy Italian hero, the middle eastern Falafel and Hummas in pita, the French Croque-madam, the traditional Cuban Sandwich (sans pickles), the NOLA Po’boy, Katz Pastrami on rye, or the Vietnamese Bánh Mì.

In my short time being in New York, I’ve not seen any food trends in sandwich making world, so when I see Bánh Mì shops pop up every month for the last few months, you know there’s either a fresh influx of Vietnamese, or it’s a wondrous trend on the classic.

I just checked out a new spot in Sau Voi. I’ve walked by this chinese CD and cassette shop many times but never knew there was a sandwich counter in there…. right next to the lotto and cigarettes. The Bahn Mi was good and cheap. I’ll put it in the rotation with my other regulars at Paris and Banh Mi So 1. I failed to the higher end Baoguette, or the low key Ba Xuyen in Brooklyn.

Then after lunch I see in the NY Times, a story by Julia Moskin about the evolution of the Bahn Mi in New York [Building on Layers of Tradition]. I now have several others to check out in the mad rush to improve on the Vietnamese sandwich…. none yet can compare to those I pick up in San Jose, CA

Porn on College Campus to be legislated out?

In reality, that statement is like saying cafeteria food is shite. The big issue I read about while down in DC this weekend was a local sen. Andrew P. Harris (R-Baltimore County) got wind of the University of Maryland’s film screening event of “Pirates II: Stagnetti’s Revenge,” and is proposing a budget amendment which adds that any public university that allows the screening of a triple-X film would forfeit state funding for that year.

The University originally caved and canceled the showing, then a student uproar ensued and the showing is back on; not because of the forbidding of porn but the rights issue of political representatives pushing regulation on morality grounds. The GOP has been largely hypocritical when it comes to standing up against the “Nanny state” issues but pushing hard against adult related freedoms like sex and pornography.

Pornography has been shown on college campuses, other than in the locked dorm rooms of the male population but when “Deep Throat” made the original rounds. Why was the university showing this film? I suppose no one comes out any more to the Student Union, as one student claimed “Campus is gay and only the freshman have zero social life to spend their time hanging around there”. Porn is the way to bring back campus pride maybe?

Pirates II is probably one of the biggest budget porn movies (from the tailor below), and it’s been screening all over the country at Universities including Fresno and Davis University. It of course has a plot aka those parts most men fast forward through and it’s being shown to legally allowed persons over 18.

The most ironic thing about this is Mr. Harris’s campaign to ban the movie has provided millions in free publicity to the producers and he’s succeed in at least doubling the audience for this movie than originally planned had he just left well alone. The more you tell kids you can’t do something, human nature kicks in and becomes even more curious.