2nd Sundays

It’s June 9th and the start of the summer is here. Not signified by the change in heat nor the light in the day. But in the San Francisco Dance club scene, the start is when 2nd Sundays Productions kicks off with their summer party. Absolutly wicked. I haven’t seen so many people at Mission rock since last years 2nd Sunday end of the summer party. What can you say but the party rocked, you should have been there and I’ll be back next month. The only sour point was the unskillful set of Shannon Lolongo (more widely known as DJ Dayhota). I know the girl must have skills some where as she’s plastered up as this new up and coming suppa star female dj but shit this girl trainwrecked harder than any Amtrak wreck I’ve seen…must have been on something which even still is not very professional and I would not recommend seeing her again…just hype.

Some pics here of the party but there is no comparison to being there, living it, feeling it and having that memory.

My friends are my estate.
Emily Dickinson

“My family is really boring. They have a coffee table book called ‘Picture We Took Just to Use Up the Rest of the Film”
Enelope Lombard