Unmonumental art at New Museum is just that

Today we killed some Sunday Funday time at the New Museum down the street from my apt. The building, a incongruent stacking of boxed floors is juxtapose between the decayed furniture and homeless shelter buildings on Bowery.

One of the primary exhibits this month is the Unmonumental works which “are an exhibition about fragmented forms, torn pictures and clashing sounds. Investigating the nature of collage in contemporary art practices, “Unmonumental” also describes the present as an age of crumbling symbols and broken icons.”

Fragmented is certainly a fitting description and the over all impression of these “conversation” pieces was crap. I think we’ve all compiled our own collage of artifacts around the house, yard, trash and neighborhood but we all don’t get the opportunity to show case our piles of crap. So with this opportunity I’m fortunate to explore the meaning of cutouts of porn, buttons, and scraped furniture.

I enjoy the addition to the neighborhood but will be much more discerning when contemplating a visit and research the art that’s showcasing.