Jeff Hunt: Profesional Dick to Kids

If you’re the director of an educational facility, a PhD authority on the Civil War and public reference specifically to the Last Battle of the Civil War: Palmetto Ranch, it only seems natural when a group of high school students who’ve created a 10- by 5-foot diorama (with materials worth $23,000, and taking 7,000 hours of labor worth between $60,000 and $130,000) of the battle which deemed by this “expert” to be not completely accurate, what’s your natural response?

Take your arm and back-swapped the whole thing, completely trashing the work and dismantling the piece before even displaying it to the public, of course!’

No attempt to have the kids correct the errors or even displaying with notation of inaccuracies.

Unprofessional, and unbecoming of a mentor in the field of public education.

AZ Central News Article
Community Forum on the matter