
“I can handle things, I’m smart, not like everybody says. Not dumb, I’m smart, and I want respect!”

That quote from Fredo to Michael in Godfather II can sum up not only the start but the entire bunch of cronies in the current administration. So we have the news that another one lays down. I know nothing of the man that is Alberto Gonzales except what I read and hear in the news, and what I do know is that the perception of competency in the current Justice department has just about eroded away in my and many fellow American minds. Our country is based on freedom, liberty and the right of man to choose. If our own government decides they are above the people’s rights and choose to selectively enforcer laws when only it’s convenient for them, their friends and their political or lobbying affiliations, then we are no longer a land of law but a land lead by men of power.

Alberto Gonzales

      Enabled the firing of 9 US attorneys with out cause or justification, but for political retribution. (1)
      He mislead congress about the extent and conduct for which domestic spying on native and foreign US citizens, in the name of fighting terrorism. (2,3)
      He drafted the torture memo that lead to the physical abuses in Abu Ghraib and the constitutional ones in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. (4)
      Lastly Gonzo was weak. Weak in standing up for himself, his actions as AG, and most of all weak for standing up for justice for the people of the US. He and his fellow attorneys may server at the pleasure of the president, but the president server at the pleasure of ALL the people of the USA and he is no longer welcome at his post.

“Fredo, you’re nothing to me now; not a brother, not a friend. I don’t want to know you, or what you do.”