Bait n Switch Reps

We all know this type of behavior is typical with politicians but it’s rare we get the photos to show the back end dealing. The Republican House leadership has taken to jumping aboard the new anti-oil-addiction campaign started after this year’s state of the union address. House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert pioneered the media event yesterday at a BP gasoline station featuring their commitment to alternative energy sources, featuring a hydrogen-powered car and even eluding to driving back to the office in a blue General Motors HydroGen 3 van.

This Washington DC event followed one by Senate Democrats the previous Wed. afternoon at an Exxon station, whom lay blame to the Republicans for high fuel prices.

In the photo (right), House Speaker Dennis Hastert of Ill., gets out the GM Hydro (left), just blocks after driving off from the BP station, only to ditch the fuel efficient ride for his, gas guzzling armored SUV. Other members of Congress also participated in the show, also only to switch to their official cars and drive back the few blocks to the U.S. Capitol.