RIP Habeas corpus (1215 – 2006)

Senators John McCain, John Warner, and Lindsey Graham were presented with an opportunity to uphold the fundamental human right known as habeas corpus, or flinch and write a law that would retroactively make sure that George W. Bush could not be prosecuted for violations of habeas corpus in our overseas concentration camps and prisons. It was a contest between protecting the President and protecting the Constitution.

We don’t need rights right, I mean what’s this whole thing about for Freedom anyway… For those of you that don’t know what this term means – Habeas corpus is the Latin for “you [should] have the body”, is the name of a legal instrument or writ by means of which detainees can seek release from unlawful imprisonment. A writ of habeas corpus is a court order addressed to a prison official (or other custodian) ordering that a detainee be brought to the court so it can be determined whether or not that person is imprisoned lawfully and whether or not he or she should be released from custody. The writ of habeas corpus in common law countries is an important instrument for the safeguarding of individual freedom against arbitrary state action (Wikipedia definition and history)

The modern institution of civil and human rights, and particularly the writ of habeas corpus, began in June of 1215 when King John was forced by a group of feudal lords to sign the Magna Carta at Runnymede.

Two of the most critical parts of the Magna Carta were articles 38 and 39, which established the foundation for what is now known as “habeas corpus” laws. The concept of habeas corpus in the Magna Carta led directly to the Fourth through Eighth Amendments of our Constitution, and hundreds of other federal and state due process provisions.

Articles 38 and 39 of the Magna Carta said:

“38: In future no official shall place a man on trial upon his own unsupported statement, without producing credible witnesses to the truth of it.

39: No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.”

For those that don’t know our own constitution, it’s a quick but important read:

The question these tragic Republican senators, ultimately, propose to decide is whether our nation will continue to stand for the values upon which it was founded. And they have chosen timidity and convenience – to trash habeas corpus and the Geneva Conventions and the US War Crimes Act – instead of fulfilling their oaths of office to “defend the Constitution of the United States of America.”

Contact your Local Representative
– and –
Write your state Senator

Let them know now this action will have detrimental effects to not only our current generations but all generations of Americans to follow. No man should go above and beyond his country, and this is just the position Bush has put himself in, with the help of men like McCain, Warner, Graham , Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rove (among others).

(The original writer of some of this post is from the Baltimore Chronicle – please read the rest of Thom Hartmann’s prose)

Majority of American’s don’t believe W

A poll out today puts Bush’s approval rating at the lowest EVER – 33% of those questioned do not approve of the Presidents job -down from 36%. Additionally only 25% of American’s are satisfied with the direction our country is moving in and that 66% believe that Iraq is not making the US safer.

Latest Newsweek poll

You realize that if our government was run like a corporation, where the CEO = the president, and the board = the American people. This guy would have been fired long ago…

Yo Blaire! What’s up with the Hizies?

In St. Petersburg, Russia at the G8 Summit yesterday a frank conversation was recorded between Bush and Blair…

It’s always nice to hear the president representing the stature of the US Government so candidly and putting those Brits in their place….

Overheard at the G8:

Yo! Blaire!Bush: Yo, Blair. How iz ya doin’?

Blair: I’m just…

Bush: You’re bouncin’!?

Blair: No, no, no not yet. On this trade thingy….(inaudible) (Mr Blair is getting anxious that the World Trade Organisation is falling apart because some nations, including the US, are putting domestic interests before a worldwide free trade agreement)

Bush: Yeah… I told that to the man.

Blair: Are you planning to say that here or not?

Bush: Yeah you know I’ll set dem foo’s straight!

Blair: Well, it’s just that if the discussion arises…

Bush: I just wan’ some movement. ya heard?

Blair: Yeah.

Bush: Yesterday we didn’t see nothin’

Blair: No, no, it may be that it’s not, it may be that it’s impossible.

Bush: I am prepared to say it…that mu-fucka’s useless

Blair: But it’s just I think what we need to be an opposition…

Bush: Who is introducing the trade thingie?

Blair: Angela (The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, will lead the trade discussion. That is good for Mr Blair. She is on his side.)

Bush: Tell her to call me yo… she’s lookin’ hawt in that blue blazer today

Blair: Yes.

Bush: Tell her to put that mu-fuck on the spot. Thanks for the gear yo! Shit was bling!

Blair: It’s a pleasure.

Bush: You picked it out yo’self?

Blair: Oh, absolutely, in fact (inaudible)

Bush: What about that fucker Kofi? (inaudible) His ‘tude gets to me… (Change of subject. Now they are on to Lebanon and the UN secretary general, Kofi Annan)

Blair: Yeah, no I think the (inaudible) is really difficult. We can’t stop this unless you get this international business agreed.

Bush: Word. (Mr Blair is trying to push the idea of a UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon. That ‘yeah’ does not sound like a wholehearted agreement)

Blair: I don’t know what you guys have talked about, but as I say I am perfectly happy to try and see what the lie of the land is, but you need that done quickly because otherwise it will spiral. (Meaning: ‘Please, George, let me go to the Middle East and be a world statesman’)

Bush: I think Condi’ gonna go and tell ’em how it is. (Meaning: ‘No’ we’ll take care of it)

Blair: But that’s, that’s, that’s all that matters. But if you… you see it will take some time to get that together. (Meaning: ‘Oh well, all right, if you don’t want me to. Harumph’)

Bush: Yup Yup, we got it handled…

Blair: But at least it gives people…

Bush: Now Blair, let’s just let us handle. I told her your offer… (Meaning: ‘Drop it. You’re not going.’)

Blair: Well… it’s only if I mean… you know. If she’s got a…, or if she needs the ground prepared as it were… Because obviously if she goes out, she’s got to succeed, if it were, whereas I can go out and just talk.

Bush: “You see, the … thing is what they need to do is to get Syria, to get Hizbollah to stop doing this shit and it’s over.” (Actual Quote – Mr Bush is expressing his belief that Syria is pulling Hizbollah’s strings, while Mr Blair is hinting the Syrians might be up to no good as well)

Blair: (inaudible)

Bush: (inaudible)

Blair: Syria.

Bush: Why?

Blair: Because I think this is all part of the same thing.

Bush: Yeah.

Blair: What does he think? He thinks if Lebanon turns out fine, if we get a solution in Israel and Palestine, Iraq goes in the right way… (Here they might be talking about Kofi Annan, or they may mean the Syrian President, Bashir Assad)

Bush: Yeah, yeah, he is sweeeeeet!. (Mr Bush is probably being sarcastic)

Blair: He is honey. And that’s what the whole thing is about. It’s the same with Iraq.

Bush: I felt like telling Kofi to call up Assad and make some shit happen.

Blair: Yeah.

Bush: (inaudible)


Bush: We are not blaming the Lebanese government, I mean we could handle it proper but who wants that now?

Blair: Is this on…? (at this point Blair taps the microphone in front of him and the sound is cut.)

Original Transcript
Yo Bush! Blair mocked as US poodle [Reuters: Jul 18, 2006 9:27am]