Need to waste some internet time?

Some interesting links to check out:

All About Beer – a beer drinkers Bible
Get your teeth in before you go out
Too bright in here, check where the source is
Place ya bets!
Hot, amateur Shellfish…oh yeah!
Marilyn Monroe
Bush or Chimp…I feel for the little animal
Check out the hottest places to drain
All…things…. Shatner!
What I was doing before corporate
Downloads of babies getting punched… or um just some funny stuff
Why go to the mall, except for the 16 yr old britney look a-likes-shop at home
How the news should be delivered

Chimps, Christians, and Chat!!

Time for some good ol’ internet browsing time. It’s been a while since I just sat down and surfed the net. Clicking away at random links to paths of anonymous thought and contribution. To a world of comedy, resource, shopping and release. You CAN find anything on line that you want and it’s as accessible as the extent of your vocabulary…or the depth of your imagination.

So aside from the links above I found a few interesting things on the net the last few days. Spurred on when I caught a few runs of the Chimp Channel on TBS. Besides the Discovery Channel and Animal Planet this is one of the best use of animals on TV. Check out a few skits but make sure you see the full run … if you are a tele watcher.

What’s been the predominate focus of American media for the last month.. hmm let me see…*scratches head* The World Series? Anyway since we are ass deep in “war” right now I wanted to take a little look at the main source for the majority of wars in human existence… Religion. One thing that has irked me since this catastrophe is the whole “God Bless …whatever” movement propagating though our media circles, gatherings, flag postings and even from our President. The combination of God and Government, especially at a time like this, (to me) is Anti-American. Our country is founded on the notion that we accept all races, creeds and religions. We like everyone that likes us basically. Juxtaposing a Christian religion with our “super power” government will only promote further propaganda within Bin Laden’s jihad. These actions make this more than a war on Terrorism, but a war on Religions that do not accept our own faith. America is not a Christian Nation despite the outnumbering believers in this religion. Terrorism is detrimental to everyone’s well-being but please leave religion out of this fight. Please read more.

This is a great game I like to play to waste time, when ever possible: Bin Laden Liquors

Please be aware of this computer virus: The “War Vote”

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“A right is not what someone gives you; it’s what no one can take from you.”
Ramsey Clark

Airline Flight Safety in the new Millennium

If you pay attention to the stock market in any way you know that airline stocks collapsed faster than the World Trade Center Towers, this week. The cancellation of two days of domestic and international flights as well as the forced increase in airline security has hit this industry hard. The National airlines have had several meetings about increasing security on their flights and I was able to get some samples of the new flight policies. Below are a few samples; click the pictures to enlarge Mr. Dumass. For the full schedule of changes please go here.

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“Did you ever notice that people don’t sneeze in movies?”
“Why do women always win? ”
“What if the Hokey-Pokey IS what it’s all about?”

So I stumbled on this site today that is quite interesting if you like quotes. If you haven’t noticed I do….Well these are a few from, just a site dedicated to a collection of quotes found on napkins. Read a few or submit your own.