Public Service Announcement – Stop Contacting Me!

Stop with the junk mail! Telemarketing and Emails!

You can give notice to offenders here… but if you’re like most people, you just don’t care that much to pick up a pen or go on line and report someone… However, if you’d like to stop contributing to the death of trees, filling up our land fills with trash, and receiving annoying messages from solicitors go here and take care of it!

FTC Consumer Alert Page on Unsolicited Mail, email and Telephone calls

SPAM from your friends!!! A Social Study

Benjamin Gross at the University of Illinois, US has shown how socially inept you can be just by forwarding junk mail… Hence is the reason why I just post stuff here that amuses me and it’s your job as the reader either to enjoy, share, or just move on, with out having the annoying and deflating emotions that come with junk mail from your friends (especially those that know better).

“passing an irrelevant or out-of-date link on to contacts can be annoying, thus lowering the sender’s social status in the recipient??s eyes.”

“”If they are consistently wrong about what content is of actual interest to recipients their reputation may drop in the implicit system people must apply in order to [prioritise] their email,”

From the Email forwarding amounts to ritual gift exchange