IKEA destroys ancient Chinese tombs

Construction workers in Nanjing in southeastern China, destroyed 10 tombs dating back 1800 years – the tombs from the “six dynasties” period from AD 220 to 589. They were said to be of high quality and probably from a rich family of the time period. Under Chinese law, people or work units found destroying “ancient tombs” can be fined 50,000 to 500,000 yuan (about $6,600-$65,700) but the laws are weakly enforced, and the developers would rather pay the fine than delay or cancel construction projects…

Ah the virtues of capitalism in a communist society… it’s a wonder we can even do business with China…

Reuters Story Here

iPhone crazies!

A few days ago (26th) I walked by my local SOHO Apple Store and saw people lined up around the corner down to the post office. I had heard that the new iPhone was coming out but I didn’t know it was then… well it wasn’t. It was actually today on the 28th, two days later. So these people spent two days out in front of the store to be the first to lay down hundreds on the new iPhone:

Here’s a shot from the inside of the police controlled seen during the opening: