What a year… I just completed my first year in NY… braved a “mild” winter by NY local standards, landed a job at a huge international electronics corporation, squandered insane amount of cash “living” in my shoe box, feeding on Ethiopian to Danish to Chilean to Korean food and everywhere in between, never drank n drove – but certainly failed to make it home with out a bruise or scratch on the walk home, broke my arm in the Ice “snowboarding”, walked through a transit strike and witnessed our country further depleted its economic, educational, and natural resources…
We picked up a hotel at the Argent near Union Square in SF with a nearly top floor view of the Union Christmas tree display. I gathered with a group of good friends and we hit DNA after some heavy pre-holiday cocktails at the hotel… The count down was botched but the music of Lee Colmes, Dylan Rymes, and Bassbin Twins was insane.
Here’s some pics from the galleria:
Full Gallery of NYE Here