Mystery of Missing and Predicting Time

I can’t believe it’s February already. The Time has escaped me and I look back at a month of limited progress. I question my dedication a little as this week, however, I’ve had several interviews yet none were inspiring. One I’m continuing the process and will see if I need to sell myself along with the managers on gaining a position. I hate to do it, but it’s necessary at this point.

While catching The Simpsons, I was asked “What are 5 words where “Y” is a vowel?” Do you know – answers after the pic:


Like I said above, my attitude is a little paralytic today. I’m vowing to make February an atypical month of my previous behavior, starting with a trip to the gym tomorrow. The wife’s cynical of my dedication, however, I have a renewed faith, despite the pending snow this week: Spring is coming pending a the sight of either Punksatony Phil or Staten Island Chuck.

Check out this syncopated beat (and that’s 5 “Y” words) from The Clash – The Equalizer: