Army of One

The original photo of this boy holding a toy grenade was taken in Central Park New York in 1962 by Diane Arbus. The original print of this photo sold for $408,000 in April 2005, New York. My photo is a wall stencil weathered by time, originally thrown up by JC2 on Lafayette between Prince and Spring st.

Nostalgia 77 ft. Alice Russell – Seven Nation Army (The White Stripes Cover)


How to start a dance party

I’ve been to many dance parties, clubs, shows and festivals so far and how people react in mass tends to very by location, genre of music and level of intoxication. There’s no doubt everyone reacts differently to music but I’ll say no matter who you are, there’s gonna be some tune out there that gets your foot tapin, head nodding or body rocking. Not everyone though has rhythm but that should never stop you from feeling the beat and moving to it.

I’ve danced by myself many times, typically when I go to hear good djs/bands, playing at douche bag venues where the look, style or vip of the scene is more important than the company you keep and the music that’s bumpin through the speakers. I’ve never let a bad scene deter me from getting down and I’ve certainly been the first on a dance floor early on in the night when the music encourages me.

Here’s a great vid of one guy, feelin it at the Sasquatch festival in OR and with a tipping point of 3 dancers, this becomes a field dance party:

Just Dance!