Loss of Bee

There’s been some significant news coming out about the decline in the numbers of Apis mellifera, also known as the European honey bee, the world’s most widely distributed semi-domesticated insect. This news doesn’t just mean a shortage of honey for toast and tea. In fact, the economic value of honey, wax and other bee products is trivial in comparison with the honeybee’s services as a pollinator. However, more than 90 crops in North America rely on honeybees to transport pollen from flower to flower, effecting fertilization and allowing production of fruit and seed. Let’s say that again. 9 of 10 crops rely on the bee to pollinate and grow to harvest. The amazing versatility of the species is worth an estimated $14 billion a year to the United States economy.

There’s still no concrete evidence about what is killing the millions and billions of bees around the country, but there are a lot of guesses. One of those is called Colony Collapse Disorder phenomenon:

The phenomenon is recent, dating back to autumn, when beekeepers along the east coast of the US started to notice the die-offs. It was given the name of fall dwindle disease, but now it has been renamed to reflect better its dramatic nature, and is known as colony collapse disorder.

It is swift in its effect. Over the course of a week the majority of the bees in an affected colony will flee the hive and disappear, going off to die elsewhere. The few remaining insects are then found to be enormously diseased – they have a “tremendous pathogen load”, the scientists say. But why? No one yet knows. (from Celsias)

The latest body of evidence has brought under scrutiny the huge risks of using Genetically Engineered crops and in this case, in particular insect resistant crops producing the Bt-toxin have caused parasite infected bees die at a higher rate (Organic Consumers Association).

Other notes: NY Times opinion

Veggie Oil Car Tax – Wow Genius

The bureaucratic impotence of this country and state governments in particular like that in IL, continue to amaze me….

Here’s a story where Yehuda Berlinger points us to the bureaucratic insanity faced by a retired couple in Illinois who simply want to drive their vegetable oil-fueled car, but now face huge fines and possible felony charges for doing so. The details sound like they’re right out of a bad movie. They’ve owned the car for while and they fuel it up using leftover restaurant cooking oil. However, earlier this year, two officials knocked on their door from the Illinois Department of Revenue, telling the couple that they were violating the law by not paying an additional motor fuel tax. The couple did the calculations on how much tax they needed to pay, and while annoying, it wasn’t outrageous. However, in order to pay, they first needed to get approved for a license as a “special fuel supplier” or “receiver.” Except… the process to become approved for such a license requires a $2,500 bond, and the forms are designed for businesses not individuals. The couple then received a letter saying they needed to stop being a special fuel supplier or receiver until they were licensed to be such — but the details of how you qualify to be either a special fuel receive or supplier showed that they qualified as neither. Yet, the state still insisted that they had to get such a license, because otherwise they had no way to collect the tax. They then noted that operating as a special fuel supplier or receiver without the necessary license was a felony…*

I find it incredible that the government would send 2 revenue officers to this couple’s home to collect what amounts to be $4.07 a month for 10 months = ~$400. And then force them to continue to pay this fee AND pay a $2500 bond for a receivers license they don’t even qualify for in the first place.

This kind of action goes completely against a statement we just heard a few months ago from the President that we as a country should look at incentives and alternatives to our oil addition. Certainly burning french fry oil waste is an alternative.

I suppose there’s no way for gasoline users to recoup the motor fuel tax when said fuel is not used for motor vehicles either… reverse discrimination in deed.

If I may make a suggestion, as it doesn’t seem to me there’s a clear legal precedent here then the government should forgo the collections of this tax until a simplified process has been implemented. I mean, isn’t their motto: “Make life less taxing”

*Source : Fines And Felony Charges For Letting Your Car Run On Restaurant Vegetable Oil? [TechDirt]

Lights out North Korea

As the world grapples with how to rein in the “axis of evil” state which this week conducted a nuclear test, this spectacular satellite photo unveiled yesterday by US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld shows in stark detail the haves and have-nots of the Korean peninsula.

The regime in the north is so short of electricity that the whole country is switched off at 9 p.m. – apart from the capital of Pyongyang where dictator Kim Jong-il and his cohorts live in relative luxury. But even there, lighting is drastically reduced.
The result, as shown in this picture taken one night earlier this week, is a startling contrast between the blacked-out north and the south, which is ablaze with light, particularly around major cities and the capital, Seoul, in the north-west of the country.

Mr Rumsfeld showed the picture to illustrate how backward the northern regime really is – and how oppressed its people are. Without electricity there can be none of the appliances that make life easy and that we take for granted, he said.

“Except for my wife and family, that is my favorite photo,” said Mr Rumsfeld.

Rest of article:
North Korea might now have The Bomb, but it doesn’t have much electricity [Daily Mail – UK]

Wow Rummy… you must have a boooorrring life to say that a pic of a blacked out Korea is one of your favorites… I guess this one tops the Abu Ghraib pics now… interesting…