Yet another group opposes/debunked the immunity for telecoms whom have willingly broken the law under the command of the commander in chief without concern for the rights of the people they compromise:
CCIA (Computer & Communications Industry Association which represents Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Sun, Oracle and other technology giants) dismisses with contempt the manufactured hysteria that industry will not aid the United States Government when the law is clear. As a representative of industry, I find that suggestion insulting. To imply that our industry would refuse assistance under established law is an affront to the civic integrity of businesses that have consistently cooperated unquestioningly with legal requests for information. This also conflates the separate questions of blanket retroactive immunity for violations of law, and prospective immunity, the latter of which we strongly support.
I’ve read quite a bit on this and our current laws afford the us government quite a bit of power to eavesdrop on the public with out the need for immunity from the telecoms that actually perform this. They’ve been doing it for years. The latest is that the Dems are going to lay down again and allow this to roll through per the W Bush plan. What a pathetic waste of limp dick politicians (again the dems) that can’t even stand up to citizen rights or their constituents whom strongly oppose this bill from passing…