Happy Thanksgiving ~ What I’m thankful for

Enjoy you’re feasting, giving and praising… I’m spending some time with friends of friends this year… Here’s some things I’m thankful for (there’s a little sarcasm in a few of these):

  • My health – even though I now have high cholesterol and have to watch LDL this holiday season (and going forward)
  • All four seasons – except for the 110 heat with 90% humidity and sub zero temps in the winter… but I digress
  • My friends and family
  • New Experiences (especially in travel)
  • NYC delivery of everything
  • The Law
  • My freedoms
  • Quality beer brewers and wine makers
  • Culinary delights and the love of eating well
  • The internet. Thanks Al Gore!
  • And most of all the music of the world that keeps me going when I’m down, shake my ass when I’m bored, reflect on my great memories, bob my head on the commute or just put a smile on my face

“It is therefore recommended … to set apart Thursday the eighteenth day of December next, for solemn thanksgiving and praise, that with one heart and one voice the good people may express the grateful feelings of their hearts and consecrate themselves to the service of their divine benefactor …”
~Samuel Adams, November 1, 1777 (adopted by the 13 states as the first official Thanksgiving Proclamation)

I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land.
~Jon Stewart

SPAM from your friends!!! A Social Study

Benjamin Gross at the University of Illinois, US has shown how socially inept you can be just by forwarding junk mail… Hence is the reason why I just post stuff here that amuses me and it’s your job as the reader either to enjoy, share, or just move on, with out having the annoying and deflating emotions that come with junk mail from your friends (especially those that know better).

“passing an irrelevant or out-of-date link on to contacts can be annoying, thus lowering the sender’s social status in the recipient??s eyes.”

“”If they are consistently wrong about what content is of actual interest to recipients their reputation may drop in the implicit system people must apply in order to [prioritise] their email,”

From the NewScientist.com Email forwarding amounts to ritual gift exchange

Birthday Dream?

For a night we went up to the ultra modern-retro hotel – Dream in NY for a roof top party (which with the top roof closed the bar came as close to a rooftop as does a penthouse balcony). It was a friend’s birthday celebration bitches! Vikram Chatwal’s new hotel is a trip but billed as a “lounge” upstairs, leaves much to be desired. One room looked like a quasi-library set from the movie Clue and the other main lounge was dark and cramped feeling desperate and having little room disease. The only plus to adding space were the rap-around windows of the dance floor yet you’re looking at other high rises and not necessarily a spectacular view. Go for a view (when the rooftop is open) in the day, but just to check it off you’re list to do in NY. I’m sure Scott et al had a great time, as it was only the warm up spot a night time tour of debauchery – Cheers!