R.I.P Grandma

I remember the crossword puzzles, the great family dinners (and those apple pies), serving up tree top apple juice, that “benji” dog you loved, the collecting of crystal or acrylic paper weights, getting lost in the walk in pantry (sneaking food when I wasn’t supposed to), my wonderful trip to Paris, watching TV from floor of the 2nd floor stairs (sneaking from room to room stealthy), your travel stories, always with another book in hand, that warm smile and positive outlook on life. Always and forever in my heart and mind Grandma.

Uh sorry I’m late…again…

Apparently I have a “problem”. It’s not alcohol, illegal, or decremental to my health. It’s punctuality. I am consistent about it, usually only 5 to 10 minutes… I feel it’s a unfortunate combination of multitasking beyond my own ability to complete each project, a little ADD, and possibly an unconcious unwillingness to leave on time for functions I’m not passionate about.

Living here in NYC where train problems, taxi traffic and weather can all make you late… 5 – 10 minutes being late is tollerated. This fits perfectly for my consistent procrastination to leave early, in order to arrive on time.

Additionally there just seems to be too many needs and interesting options living in NYC, I can’t get to do them all. Now my issues are managing my priorities for the items I want to do/accomplish. Thinking about all this, this article came across my eyes…

Running Late and Wasting Billions Chronic Lateness Is a Pervasive and Expensive Problem, But It Can Be Tackled [ABC News]

So I’m not the only one:
American CEOs are late to eight out of every 10 meetings

I’ve known about this issue and it’s preventable because it’s all about self-control. Of the list of options to improve the only one that tends to improve my punctuality is “Learn how to say “no.” Pare down activities and don’t over-commit.” I’ll check in if this improves…or expect a late reply if it doesn’t.

Shopping at Mac

My thinkpad took a dive the other day… literally. It was dropped off the table and broke not only the monitor connectors off, but now something is rattling around inside. It was time to take that thing to the grave anyway… Of course this just gives me the excuse to look at new laptops for my own Christmas gift. I’m partial to the Thinkpad for the resolution, feel, look, stability, and I love the trackball…

In my research and conversations with Scott I’m starting to drool over the new Intel dual core MacBook Pros. 2.33GHz, 200GB HD, DVD-R SuperDrive and a sweet look and feel. My previous hesitation to picking up a Mac was that I’ve invested in quite a bit of Windows software and I don’t want to pick it all up again on the Mac. A solution has come with the dual core and it’s called Boot Camp and Parallels.

So I’m walking home late Sunday night from watching some football (I think it’s 11 pm) and I stop into my local Mac store. They have a chick dj spinning a mix of jungle, house, hip hop and whatever else is on her iPod. The SoHo Mac store is open 24 hrs through the Christmas holiday and it’s crowded more with red shirt mac employees than shoppers or free internet whores.

I step up to the biggest baddest MacBook Pro there and start playing around. Launching all the programs, Logic, Powerpoint, internet and Quicktime etc… I even start up the iSight and Photo Booth; playing around with the photo shots in the store I took this and emailed it to myself for upload…

Ahh well, I still have some sober research to do and will find out soon when I can invest in an upgrade…

Review of Boot Camp and Parallels.