2007 predictions from Wired

Here are some predictions for 2007: Wired. I don’t see how many of these are actually “Wild”

* Google Stock Hits $1,000 per Share

* Internet Traffic Doubles …

to 5,000 petabits per day by the end of 2007. And 80 percent of it is peer-to-peer file sharing, mostly Skype video and BitTorrent.

* BitTorrent on TiVo

Speaking of, digital video recorders get BitTorrent baked in, bringing internet video to the living room.

* Spam Doubles

No-brainer — but no one cares because we’re all using IM, especially at work.

* Second Life Ends a Life

Skullduggery in Second Life — probably digital adultery — ends in a real-life murder.

* Year o’ the Laptop

Half of all new computers sold in 2007 will be laptops and 20 percent of those will be Apple’s MacBooks.

* Print to Web

A major newspaper gives up printing on paper to publish exclusively online.

* Semel Says ‘Sayonara’

Yahoo CEO Terry Semel discovers he wants to spend more time with his family.

* Apple Goes Apple

The entire Beatles catalog is licensed exclusively to iTunes for a year.

* HD-DVD Wins

HD-DVD is the clear winner over Blu-ray in the DVD format wars. Oh yeah, and the PS3 is a bust.

* Implantable Contact Lenses

Synthetic corneas will be approved by the Food and Drug Administration, allowing the shortsighted to have artificial contact lenses transplanted right into their eyes. No more popping out!

* Digg Becomes the New Friendster

Digg holds out for a big payday but ends up like Friendster (i.e., no friends).

* No More Dads

Artificial gametes made from female eggs are sold over the internet, making fathers biologically irrelevant.

* PaedoSpace

Sex offenders start their own social networking service. It’s popular on Capitol Hill.

* Life on Mars

One of the Mars rovers lasts another year on the red planet (making it four years total). The other plunges into a crater.

* Greenland Becomes Green

As the ice melts, Greenland becomes literally green.

* Raelians Need Not Apply

A human embryo is cloned for real.

* First AT&T, Then Google

A whistle-blower reveals that the National Security Agency has been wiretapping Google for some time.

* Google Goes G-Man

Google gives up search queries to the feds. Likely scenario: The FBI asks who’s been searching for terms like “dirty bomb” and Google hands over all the IP addresses.

* Don’t Don’t Be Evil

Google drops “Don’t be evil” as its corporate mantra. Evil has its justifications, but no one likes a hypocrite.

* DNA Database for Athletes

To stamp out doping, the Olympic Committee orders all athletes to submit DNA samples to a global database, which matches blood found in doping forensics to cheats. Forensics include needles, tubes, bags of blood and skin cells on stacks of 100-euro notes seized at doping clinics.

* Online Sitcom Picked Up by Network

Encouraged by the news, the internet becomes home to 5,000 clones of Friends, shot by friends using their friends but unwatched even by their friends.

* They’re Watching You

Congress passes a law requiring internet service providers to keep logs of all web traffic and e-mail for three years.

* NYT Goes Free

The New York Times opens its archives from behind the paid firewall, realizing it’s more lucrative to be the internet’s paper of record than charging readers for individual stories. Thankfully, Thomas Friedman’s clich�s and mixed metaphors remain behind the pay firewall for at least two weeks.

* MySpace Spaces Out

MySpace splinters as teens head for niche sites. New services that control profiles across multiple social networking sites begin to take off.

Home office loner

When you work from home, you don’t have the comradely of an office, office pals, jokes around the vending machine, coffee breaks or any personal interactions… it makes for a lonely career existence. Sure as a field sales guys your always meeting new and existing customers, partners, and career execs but these are business relationships that rarely last beyond the sales cycle without some report and personal attention. So when you have a few friends to enjoy a sixer or two and a roof top, conversation of a personal nature is treasured and belligerent sessions of intoxication and New York life are much to be desired…

This is a short rant, I’m sure I’ll elaborate on this biz. Right now the positive is, “Enjoy your cube farms suckas!!!”

Shopping at Mac

My thinkpad took a dive the other day… literally. It was dropped off the table and broke not only the monitor connectors off, but now something is rattling around inside. It was time to take that thing to the grave anyway… Of course this just gives me the excuse to look at new laptops for my own Christmas gift. I’m partial to the Thinkpad for the resolution, feel, look, stability, and I love the trackball…

In my research and conversations with Scott I’m starting to drool over the new Intel dual core MacBook Pros. 2.33GHz, 200GB HD, DVD-R SuperDrive and a sweet look and feel. My previous hesitation to picking up a Mac was that I’ve invested in quite a bit of Windows software and I don’t want to pick it all up again on the Mac. A solution has come with the dual core and it’s called Boot Camp and Parallels.

So I’m walking home late Sunday night from watching some football (I think it’s 11 pm) and I stop into my local Mac store. They have a chick dj spinning a mix of jungle, house, hip hop and whatever else is on her iPod. The SoHo Mac store is open 24 hrs through the Christmas holiday and it’s crowded more with red shirt mac employees than shoppers or free internet whores.

I step up to the biggest baddest MacBook Pro there and start playing around. Launching all the programs, Logic, Powerpoint, internet and Quicktime etc… I even start up the iSight and Photo Booth; playing around with the photo shots in the store I took this and emailed it to myself for upload…

Ahh well, I still have some sober research to do and will find out soon when I can invest in an upgrade…

Review of Boot Camp and Parallels.