Michael Vick got into a spot of trouble with a woman claiming he gave her herpes. So he used the alias “Ron Mexico” to undergo tests and for other actions to avoid recognition… Smoking gun has the story but if you want your own styled alias check out: Ron Mexico Name Generator
Thinking computer chess
Watch the computer think about its next move as you play a game of chess.
“Combinations have always been the most intriguing aspect of Chess. The masters look for them, the public applauds them, the critics praise them. It is because combinations are possible that Chess is more than a lifeless mathematical exercise. They are the poetry of the game; they are to Chess what melody is to music. They represent the triumph of mind over matter”
~ Reuben Fine
Photo Bloggers
Although I could much more easily switch this up to a photo blog (and be able to post more frequently with just pictures) I tend to write with my pics. Here’s a list from the site PhotoBloggies.org which lists the 2005 winners for best photo blogs. Enjoy!
- Best American Photoblog – Orbit1
- Best Canadian Photoblog – Daily Dose of Imagery
- Best European / British / Irish Photoblog – Chromasia
- Best Latin American Photoblog – Momentanea
- Best Australian / New Zealand Photoblog – JinkyArt
- Best Chinese Photoblog – DownDream
- Best Japanese Photoblog – yamasaki ko-ji
- Best South East Asian / Indian Photoblog – Shutterbug
- Best African / Middle Eastern Photoblog – Kosoof
- Best Writing of a Photoblog – verba.chromogenic
- Best Black and White Photography of a Photoblog – chromogenic
- Best Animal Photography of a Photoblog – Ephemera
- Best Abstract Photography of a Photoblog – Deceptive Media
- Best Studio Photography of a Photoblog – Orbit1
- Best Photojournalism of a Photoblog – joe?s nyc
- Best Landscape Photography of a Photoblog – A Walk through Durham Township
- Best Toy Camera Photography of a Photoblog – Making Happy
- Best Street Photography of a Photoblog – Daily Dose of Imagery
- Best Portrait Photography of a Photoblog – Orbit1
- Best Kept Secret Photoblog – Superhero Journal
- Best Photoblog Design – rion.nu
- Best Under 18 Photoblog – FerociousCheese.com
- Best New Photoblog – joe?s nyc
- Photo of the Year – A Walk in Durham Township
- Photoblog of the Year – Daily Dose of Imagery