Airline Flight Safety in the new Millennium

If you pay attention to the stock market in any way you know that airline stocks collapsed faster than the World Trade Center Towers, this week. The cancellation of two days of domestic and international flights as well as the forced increase in airline security has hit this industry hard. The National airlines have had several meetings about increasing security on their flights and I was able to get some samples of the new flight policies. Below are a few samples; click the pictures to enlarge Mr. Dumass. For the full schedule of changes please go here.

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“Did you ever notice that people don’t sneeze in movies?”
“Why do women always win? ”
“What if the Hokey-Pokey IS what it’s all about?”

So I stumbled on this site today that is quite interesting if you like quotes. If you haven’t noticed I do….Well these are a few from, just a site dedicated to a collection of quotes found on napkins. Read a few or submit your own.

America the Vulnerable?

First off I would like to say, my thoughts and condolences go out to the families of those lives lost and are still missing, because of this horrific event that has occurred to our Nation. May their memories carry on and their deaths not be in vain. Life is precious and no one deserves a premature departure, especially from hands of ill intent. The moment of silence was all too eerie to me as a 100+ person office stood silent for their memories. I’d like to move forward and focus the rest of this post on the aftermath of these incidents and troubling times that we may have ahead.

This is now an all too familiar image that has now been burned in to the minds of all Americans and into the books of history forever. The last great memory of a national tragedy that happened to my generation was the explosion of the NASA Space Shuttle Challenger in 1986. Of course we didn’t go to war over a frozen O-ring. This is some serious shit, which definitely requires some serious thought, action and resolve. Since it’s hard to not see, hear, or think about the events that happened to the USA on Sept, 11th, 2001 I’ll drop my take on these events, as of Sept. 15, 2001.

I’m sure anyone reading this is already on information overload as to what events happened this week. America basically got bitch-slapped by a small ban of guerrilla trained and financed terrorists, on our own land, by our own vehicles, and taught by our own people. Up until Sept 11th. everyone in America naively thought we were the most secure and protected nation in the world. Who would want to ever fuck with the “world’s greatest super power”? With the help of the national media, we as a nation never thought for a minute that there are people, factions, or nations that truly despise the US and it’s Gov. Why? Because information exchange in the USA is all controlled by the media which is ultimately controlled by our own Government (insert extravagant conspiracy theory here). Because as a nation, we are all sheltered people that don’t care about global policies or politics, let alone that some small Islamic nation in the Middle East (Palestine) is getting bent over by the predominate Jewish nation of Israel (with the help of US made weapons and finances). And despite the melting pot that this great nation is, American people still lack the desire to understand and tolerate other cultures, races, and religions.

Wake the Fuck Up America and pull your self-centered head out of your ass!

Now I sit here and think, given our state of complacency, the US was never prepared for this type of action against it. But being domestically prepared for this type of attack is a reactive solution to terrorism – how can we truly be prepared for attack, when in actuality we should be a nation that does not warrant such an attack in the first place. If the US is going to claim itself as the world’s super power, we need to act like it in our actions, our policies (domestic and foreign) and in our treatment of people in general all over the world. The immediate solution to this disaster should not be reactive in force but in the changing of our domestic and foreign policies for the good of the world. Now I am not saying that no action should be taken against the perpetrators of this disaster, but because I know we have the time, resources and will to destroy anything and anyone we want to, we should show the world that we are morally superior and truly democratic in nature by acting against these terrorists with firm legal justice rather than weapons of destruction. An eye for an eye justice, does not destroy terrorism, in fact these people feel death for there cause is superior to life itself. Violence is reciprocal in nature, but so is peace.

Why did they do this? What is the nation going to about it? What should you do about it? – These are all things you should think and understand on your own, not answered by the media or even our government to some extent.

Did the terrorists leave a little note on the door of the White House explaining what their intentions were? No. But like most nosy Americans we can all prejudge and speculate why these actions were taken against us, huh? DON’T. Know the facts and motives before you make a judgmental decision. We know that terrorists have tried to destroy the World Trade Center before and failed. Why the WTC? Because it’s one of the greatest symbols of American Capitalism and wealth. I can speculate that the terrorists wanted to attack America at its heart: Our pocket book. We are greedy people and what better way to send a message to the people than to hurt that which we love so much…our financial institutions (money). They also went after the Pentagon. Why the Pentagon? It is one of the most recognized symbols of the American Government and military forces in the world. I would also speculate that United Airlines flight 93 that crashed in PA was also headed for any one of our other governmental facilities in Washington DC, like the Capital building or the White House. What better way to attack our government than to go after the dominate symbols of our government, US governmental facilities in Washington DC? No mistake about it. The attack on America on Sept. 11th, is a direct attack on the people and the government of United States and oh yeah, we are definitely pissed off because of it!

When you attack institutions like these in any nation, is it any wonder that the nation will rise up and unify against these personal attacks? Can you get an idea now about how the Iraqi and Palestinian people feel about the US? It’s amazing how many people are coming out in support of our wounded nation, morning the loss of innocent victims of this tragedy and displaying their American patriotism through physical and financial support. This new found unity could potentially dissolve our hyphenated culture (we could only hope): Mexican-Americans/Chinese-Americans/African-Americans and millions of other like-minded Americans are newly juxtaposed in focus, determination and patriotism (we should all hope so to that extent). It is important for our nations people, not to loose this cultural and patriotic focus to the “evils” of more terrorism (as our president puts it). Congressionally backed President Bush is vowing to go to WAR against terrorism. Dubya is pulling reserves, pulling political resources (Pakistan vowed it’s cooperation today for any US actions against Afghanistan), and is gearing up to start a holy war. Does anyone else see the monumental flaw in these actions? One man, driven by his religion of choice (Christianity) is speaking for an entire nation, vowing to destroy these terrorists (predominately of Islamic decent, in Islamic nations), hoping to end global terrorist activity; when history knows the origins of this terrorist activity, centers around a Jewish and Islamic religious battle started thousands of years ago in the Middle East. Involving the United States in the killing of more innocent people is not going resolve terrorist activity in the world and it is my belief that it will actually escalate the amount of terrorist activity in the world by further dividing people/nations/religions and creating even more enemies for the United States.

The leader of Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban, Supreme Leader Mullah Mohammed Omar said the Afghan people should not be afraid and that he was not afraid of dying. Omar also said that if the United States acts without evidence it is committing terrorism itself. Taliban officials have said that if the United States did have evidence against bin Laden, he would be tried before an Islamic court in Afghanistan. – Quoted directly from the CNN piece “Taliban leader: Prepare for holy war”

It sounds to me that the Taliban is willing to collaborate with US efforts to catch the terrorists responsible for these atrocities IF the US can prove without a doubt that Osama bin Laden is the mastermind behind these attacks. Isn’t the US built on the democratic foundation that suspects of criminal activity are “innocent until proven guilty”. Oh wait I guess this doesn’t apply to acts of war… my bad. But then again our government and legal authorities commit their own terrorist activities and admit to their own racist double standards through foreign policies.

U.S. Counterterrorism Policy

First, make no concessions to terrorists and strike no deals;
Second, bring terrorists to justice for their crimes;
Third, isolate and apply pressure on states that sponsor terrorism to force them to change their behavior; and
Fourth, bolster the counterterrorism capabilities of those countries that work with the U.S. and require assistance.

Note that no where in this policy does it state that we should go to war over terrorist activity against the US, nor did we initiate a war like rally against terrorist activity when the U.S.S. Cole was attacked on October 12th, 2000 in the harbor at Aden, Yemen. Hmm…Yeah, and who was president back then? Of course I’ll be the first to admit that this is the first time since Pearl Harbor has anyone attacked us in our own backyard and granted some thing should and will be done. I think we should seriously contemplate the actions of WAR and if we truely think that this is the best reaction/resolution to this crime….

I love my home, I love my county, and I love my freedom. This is by far one of the best places to live and be free in the world today. I am, however, not an advocate for war nor am I an advocate that violence resolves violence. As an American I urge you all to get involved with your government and voice your opinions against the atrocities of this terrorist attack on America, and to voice your concern over the growing movement for America to go to war over these incidents. Write our President, George W. Bush, write your State Senators, write your local Congressional Representatives, and write your local government where ever you might live. Also please support the Red Cross National Disaster Relief Fund and please donate some blood (Check for your local Bay Area Blood Bank).

I know that America can pull through this disaster as a stronger and morally superior nation, however, we should all educate ourselves about the motives of our enemies actions as well as our own national policies, make rational decisions only after knowing all the facts and attempt to know completely what the consequences of these actions will be, before any decisions are made. If you have comments, complements or flames please let me know. Thank you.

“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”
— George Washington, in a speech of January 7, 1790

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
— John F. Kennedy

“Listen, this is a great nation; we’re a kind people. None of us could have envisioned the barbaric acts of these terrorists. But they have stirred up the might of the American people, and we’re going to get them, no matter what it takes.”
— President George W. Bush – remarks made on September 15, 2001 when questioned about retaliation against the terrorists attacks on America Sept. 11th.

* Do you hear any hypocrisy in this statement from our Nation’s spokes man? “Kindly” express your own thoughts on this. *

I go off the net and the American saftey bubble pops!

This seems like the most inopportune time to update this page on mundane details of my life and what I’ve been doing the last week but I already had this post written before the events of yesterday occured.

My thoughts and well wishes go out to everyone in New York City and the rest of America. What a horrible event and I’m sure it will change the lives of every American. I was up early yesterday getting ready for work with my 6:30 am call, when my phone rang from Tracy. I never hear personal phone calls this early but the frantic voice on the other end stumbled over her words asking if I had the TV on. “No and why do you care?” I asked surprised.

“Turn it on now!”

I did, and it didn’t matter what channel as each had a different picture of the same event. One tower of the World Trade Center was smoking. “Fuck!” I said involuntarily.

I work with New Yorkers on a daily basis and all I could think about were all my friends and co-workers in the city. What were they doing now? what happened? How? Who? Is everyone alright?

My collared shirt was half on and I was brushing my teeth when the second plane hit the towers on live TV. “Fuck!” or something to that effect I said again…and all I though was we were under attack.

I rinsed, tucked in my shirt and jumped in my car, headed to work to start calling my friends in NY… Nothing has been the same since then…


EDIT – the rest of this doesn’t make sense to post but it’s here…. feel free to skip as it was supposed to be posted last week.

(cont.) …Original 960 Roommate #1 Morgan moved to the city, taking DSL with him so I haven’t had an opportunity to comment. Main reason I didn’t update and because I hardly have a moment to do anything personally constructive at work (which I guess is ideal for the employer) I didn’t give the low down about the previous week. Original 960 Roommate #2 will be moving back for a few months and we look for a new pad *something with out fleas, ants, and the occasional morning spider bite – spa and a sterile house a plus!*. I had a great time and thank you all for coming out to Mosaic. Excellent party guys!

Sunday though was the hit for the weekend for me. Yet another 2nd Sundays and without fail… another fine day. Great music especially by the man named Norman Stradley. He never fails to get the crowd of their ass rocking none other than the breakbeat and jerkin’ house music. Ellen F. rocked on the pier as well, or I should say as usual. Mass friends in a attendance and another great day on the bay… makes this my favorite party of the summer. One left so you have to check this one out of wait 7 months : 2nd Sundays.

Then to the final news for this fine Tuesday…I got Cable installed!!! Yeah @home will probably go out of business by the end of the year, which means I hope to keep the router they “lend” you and I will only hopefully pay about 1 month of service by then…you never know though. AOHELL could buy them out…. Oh wait did someone hear about some planes crashing or something….This is a whole ‘nother post so wait till tomorrow for my 2 cents…

The direct use of physical force is so poor a solution to the problem of limited resources that it is commonly employed only by small children and great nations.
David Friedman

Well, don’t worry about it’. It’s nothing.
Lt. Kermit Tyler (Duty Officer of Shafter Information Center, Hawaii), upon being informed that Private Joseph Lockard had picked up a radar signal of what appeared to be at least 50 planes soaring toward Oahu at almost 180 miles per hour, December 7, 1941.
