August Weddings?

So you kids don’t know about this but what is it about August (besides the weather) that just brings all your friends together for weddings… I’m in the middle of my second one this weekend. And though I don’t mind the warm weathers and cool nights (and I’m getting “lucky” this weekend) but I think a winter wedding would be much cooler (in both senses of the term). You can’t beat a tropical island get a way but if you want to share the moment with friends and family bring it closer to home…. go to Tahoe in Jan. Of course all the women would say.. what if you break a leg before the wedding…well then you’re hobbling down the isle then… don’t live by the what ifs… just go for it and see what happens… the best memories happen when your not planing for them (someone has a famous quote similar to that statement but here’s another:).

“We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit.”
E.E. Cummings

Transparent Toilet Time!

Hoston Texas they’ve started a new social experiement… who can go to the loo in public but not really…

Outside, the mirrored glass

Inside, the two way see through view:

Fahrenheit 9/11 the images and ideas..

So Thursday I went down the street to see Fahrenheit 9/11 for the first time. So for those of you that haven’t see this or even heard of it… it’s a documentary film directed by Michael Moore laid out to offer the audience evidence of corruption in the W administration and family dealings as well as to portray Bush’s true “character”. As I’ve been following politics I already had made my opinions on his hallow character and atrocious administration. As a movie, I actually didn’t think that Fahrenheit was that focused on it’s objective but rather clumsily put together by scratching the surface on many aspects of the Bush’s profiteering and shadiness.

I do think everyone should take a view at this film and then go back and explore the points that were brought up to make their own decisions even to ask themselves “Is this really the leadership we want for our country? Is this really what you want to continue to promote for the next 4 years or is it time to set a better standard for this world?”

One of the most disturbing images in this film was not graphic, not violent, and not indecent. I felt sick, that a man of any stature could sit idol as he is told our country is under attack. The movie showed the actual press footage (that seemingly was vacant from corporate and public media) of the Pres. sitting in an elementary school while the 9/11 attacks were under way. He was informed of the attacks and then what did he do? … he sat there… blank… confused… helpless and then started to read a childrens book…. sat there… at the Florida’s Booker Elementary School, reading “My Pet Goat” for 7 F’n minutes while 3000+ people were dieing, falling out of buildings, getting crushed by steel… dieing because an intelligence agency built by his father, and held up by his administration ignored forewarning signs of these type of growing threats… In-fuking-credible…

Ok well maybe that too is just my biased opinion but even if I was told in the middle of my day that 4 co-workers working for me got in a car accident, I would be concerned, and hold my day to see if they were all right… but ya know that’s just me I guess. However, I hold my leaders to a MUCH higher standard and expect people in decision-making offices to quickly react to situations that call for them to act on the behalf of the people that put them there. Again maybe that’s just my opinion.

Once side note to this.. I see that “The Administration” is now trying to pawn off 3 year old intelligence as new and that “Hey everyone! this report from an “insurgent” says the WTC is going to be hit by a plane!!! Go to Orange Alert! Give me a break after a 9/11 committee has deemed our intelligence a disgrace to it’s competence (in not so few words) we are now to believe anything they throw at us?

Download the 9-11 report here.
Quote from BBC Press on the “old new” news of AQ threats:

Meanwhile officials in Pakistan denied suggesting that information gathered following the arrest of an al-Qaeda suspect contained plans for fresh attacks in the US or Britain as had been reported.

This leads into my next excellent point with MM’s movie where he touches on the seemingly random changes in our multi-colored Terror Alert System. This DHS system is used to keep the American public in a yo-yo state of panic and rest, distracting us from daily life and constantly trying to keep up perception that our intelligence agency is working hard to alert the public of new threats (Like Boobie Trapped Beer Coolers! on 4th of July – this really hits the GP where it hurts, the NASCAR fan – as some pointed out) I hope this public insensitive practice fades quicker than the “woop-woop” car alarm crazy of the 90’s and they just get back to protecting the peace with out the false alarms and scare tactics. (Can you see the correlation?)

Sooner or later were all going to ignore the wolfs cries. Working in the security arena for over 3 years now I know by experience, security is best for the public when it’s not obtrusive but constantly being monitored. We all know we need to be watching out in this day and age but I have enough to worry about with murders, criminals, psychotics running the streets I walk on everyday, can’t the great watch dogs take care of this…oops I guess not – I guess we have to pay our hard earned taxes to protect ourselves! Ahh I’m starting to get the general idea…and off track of this review. MM brings up this point but really didn?t do enough to drive it home with examples, dates and incidences. I think this could have been explored a little better.

Last point I think every American should be aware of is really how in depth the Bush family is with corporate oil, it’s relationships with the Saudi’s, the Bin Laden?s and all aspects of the no-bid contracts our government is handing out to friends and contributors of the current Administration. It’s amazing how rich politics can make you and your friends…if you just know the right people and create the right environment – or non environment in the case of some rulings. There are a lot of incidences and circumstance here in the arguments but enough to bias an opinion. Again there could have been more, but for me it?s compelling enough to know all the connections the Bushes have had with rich oil families and who?s now benefiting from this war on terror (it?s not just the Afghanis or Iraqis as our media depicts it)

I say go see the movie, send it to your parents before the election and let them make their own conclusions of what they see. Don’t let MM’s or Corporate Media for that matter swing your political favor – the information is out there, you just have to care to find it. And please get involved, it IS a matter of your freedom but you don’t have to get spoon feed the propaganda everyone is pushing – make your own decisions for what you want in your country and act on them – but don’t complain when this situation is suddenly not appealing and you’ve done nothing to voice/act on your opinion.

People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both
~ Benjamin Franklin