101 Political Rally Slogans for your next protest gathering

A$$es of Evil – Bush, Cheney, Blair
How many lives per gallon?
Regime change starts at home
Sometimes the french are right
Just say no to oil-ocracy
Bush: Let us prey
Orphans make great terrorists
Empty war heads found in white house
Cockroaches for armageddon
Who would jesus bomb?
Go solar not ballistic
Hey! How’d our oil get under their sand?
Bush is a dumb ass
Mend your fuelish ways
Code Green – Go for peace
Be a patriot – Ride a bike.
Duct tape is not the answer
George w. Bush – war monger
Let’s bomb texas, they have oil
Balm Iraq
War = Terrorism with a big budget
Roll joints, not tanks
Suck Dick Cheney
Impeach President Moron
Disarm the Bush regime
Have another pretzel
What’s this “homeland” scheisse?
Hey Bush, war is so last century
W: Daddy, I want my own war
If war is inevitable – Start drafting SUV drivers
War makes the victor stupid and the vanquished vengeful [nietzsche]
There are alternatives to war AND oil
Don’t let a rogue president make us a rogue nation
No Dubya Dubya III
Our country has been hijacked by lunatics
Killing for peace = Fucking for virginity
Quick, let’s bomb more Iraqi children before they starve to death
When the rich wage war it’s the poor who die [sartre]
Democracy RIP – 1776-2000… ah well, we had a good run.
Preemptive war = Terrorism
Bush + Ashcroft + Rumsfield = Terrorist network
Our tax dollars should educate american children, not kill Iraqi children
Proud to be an American against the war
Danke, Deutschland. Merci, France
We’re the ones who gobble up the oil
We want our constitution back
Defend Iraq against US imperialist attack
We have nothing to fear but Bush himself
Think with your head not with your Dick & Bush
Code orange alert – Our president is an evil a$$
Impeachment not war
If you’re not outraged you’re not paying attention
Bush is wrong, War is wrong
Emperor Bush is wearing no clothes
Collateral damage has a face
War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Say it again
Now boys, don’t hit … use your words!
No ruler has the right to ignore the will of the world
Rage against the machine
I went to the gulf war and all I got was this lousy syndrome
Abort the Bush die-nasty
Let Iraqi children have a future, Mr. Bush
Bush lost
War, Greed, Hypocrisy – We demand a change in policy
George Bush = Son of Satan
Draft the Bush twins
Hey – Red neck, go back to Texas
Bush – Endangering america, enraging the world
Yep, let’s kill the desperately poor on behalf of the obscenely rich
21st century Bush doctrine – Accept US imperialism or die
Impeach the Son of a Bush
Stop mad cowboy disease
First casualty of war: The Truth
Shut down the war machine
Choose Peace
Regime Change – In the White House
Smoke pot, Not people
Merci a la France
Republic not empire
Red alert – Bush is dangerous
No more Blood for oil
Hans Blix, look over here
Got terror?
I didn’t bring my children into the world to kill for the rich
Listen to old europe
Buck fush
Bush is a moron
Bush = White kkknight for oil industry
Engineers against drafting
Bush hates America
Murdering innocent children is in the highest moral tradition of our country
Save the humans
Preemptive peace
Smush Bush
The only Bush i trust is the one on me
The last time someone listened to a Bush they ended up wandering through the desert for 40 years
Dissent – The essence of democracy
Stop the Blair Bush project
Teach peace
War leaves every child behind
Support our troops. Bring them home
Dissent is patriotic
Don’t let this chimp play us for chumps
Thou shalt not kill
The emperor is mad
Drop Bush not bombs
Wake up, contest the war
Bush – Public enemy #1
Wage peace
Bush, Enron, Cheney, Halliburton
Bad plan, Dude
Fight the power
Jews for burning bush

Miami Heat!

SoBe baby! On an early afternoon flight from Oakland to Miami I find my self walking out of the airport in the humid air raw with the smell of concrete and traffic in MIA… FL has been hit HARD by 2 hurricanes with one more expected any day now… Hurricane Charley first around August 13th and then came along Hurricane Frances around Sept 5th. So what am I doing! Hurricane Ivan is scheduled to hit maybe Sunday, while I’m still in Miami! but I’ve never been in a hurricane before so this should be interesting, however, unfortunate I have more my rain gear with me than beach wear on this trip

I’m in jeans, a linen collarad shirt (festive or tourist, I didn’t care) and ready to drink! The Keys are being evacuated as I catch a disgrunteled cab driver heading in the opposite direction of his home. Deal asshole, I pay you to drive where I need to go and it just so happens I have to prolong this trip, there’s a wipe out of an accident taking the whole northbound freeway and I’m sitting in the back as the cabby takes me through the swamp to get to my hotel: The Doral Resort.

!!! Opps!!! This post was never completed… oh well… it started out bad but I know it finished well as I left with out the hurricane taking me down… Next time!

Laborin’ in NYC – My long weekend back in the City

It’s been almost 6 months since I’ve been back to NYC and I’m more than excited to go back. NY has a real draw for me these days and I’ve grown to have a desire to up root and move my life out there. This weekend I really didn’t make any extraordinary plans but to hit up my first show, get more of that NY restaurnat flava, get my salsa on and of course spend some time with my girl (all not in a particular order). Being spontaneous works to limit my expectations and thus everything following make for a more memorable experience….

I had made arrangements to leave work early to catch my 1 pm fight from LAX, however, being my end of quarter month, I was obligated to attend our weekly Fri meeting and just my luck, we didn’t start til close to 11. When I left I barely noticed my coworkers steadily working their day away… I found it a mirical I actually made it to LAX in just over a half hour, but my luck United doesn’t let passengers taverse security half hour before departure – I arived 28 minutes before departure….

In showing the ticket worker how to do her job, I was able to route a new flight through SF and get out to NY around 2 am est. Again I ended up flying with a cargo of crying babies and sitting next to a middle age man watching porn clips between scenes of the Devils Advocate… I didn’t have head phones… never again …

Late Aug./Sept. it’s supposed to be humid, hot and just sweaty right… well thanks to hurricanes in FL I’m walking the streets in jeans and a T still wondering why people complain about the weather in ny (belive me I really don’t want to know – this works fine for me). I spend my day with my gril wondering the city, through the subways and up to 56th n Park to hit Central Park. The Met was with in site so we go to check out a new exibit on the roof top by British sculper Andy Goldsworthy. From what I read it was the first exibit done up on the roof and let to a good view of Mid town and CP. I think the more intestesting exibits were the tourist watching and fashion don’t that populate the “scene”. Eh well the piles of sticks and rocks were megerly intesting so we moved on after resting.

Walking through SOHO the hunger pains were growing and sushi was the call. I almost hesitate to mention it but it seems to be quite populer. Tomoe Sushi on Thomson St. It’s decorated in pine with traditional hand painted signs. The sushi portions are huge and seamingly same day fresh. Definate a keeper spot the next time I’m cravin. After we headed down to 4th to In Vino, a wine bar – a catacomb esck design serving tapas and excellent desert wines (we only had the port and desert whites) but would return. Definately a spot to either begin or end a night or just to experiment with some wine tasting.

Whew… well I really care not to elaborate on what happend next but I’m assuming you would know what to do when you’re in town with your girl and hadn’t seen her in weeks…

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep.”
Robert Frost