Scientology in the Subway

I came across a blog from a local here and I wanted to repost an interesting point Maximus makes on the recent rash of MTA commemorated posters for the 100th anniversary of the subway. This particular case is the artist, Kathy Jakobsen, is a committed Scientologist. She not only used the poster to promote her own religion, but also to plug a children’s book she wrote and a museum that exhibits her work. Sneaky and obnoxiously self-promoting.

(The Scientologists have a track record of dishonest self-promotion… e.g., secretly buying huge quantities of their own books to get them on the best-seller lists.)

Check out “Scientology in the Subway” post for pictures of the posters and additional comments

What’s Wrong with Austin

I laugh and smile too much.
I don?t have a wooden leg.
I?m sarcastic.
I like David Letterman.
I watch reality TV shows about stealing cars, rebuilding things and bikes..
I am afraid of heights but I love jumping out of planes (go figure).
I?m allergic to nothing.
I am a Sagatarius.
I am aggressive. I am shy.
I am confident. I am insecure.
I’m a smartass.
I don?t have any addictions.
I am amicable. I am belligerent.
I like to shop (go ahead and call it metro…I just like having new shit!).
I take too long to get ready (so they say).
I am orderly. I am chaotic.
I am in an 8 year relationship with “my” music but still can’t seem to make anything I like.
I am in love.
I deal with life through humor and looking ahead.
I cannot share chesecake. I share porn.
I can take a joke ? I will also dish it out.
I don?t like olives. I like brussel sprouts.
I can play the drums.
I make myself laugh.
I am entertained by stupid people ? they are subject to ridicule.
I am a good friend.
I am human.

Who really cares?

So I’m truly disturbed at how blind and utterly idiotic some people are in the way they turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to the truth. Or is it people still make decisions in this world based on Faith, a roll of the dice, the popularity contest, a gut feeling or just plane simply… on what others tell them. As Americans we are so quick to judge someone based on what they do in their personal lives and we fail to pass equal judgment on those that lie, betray, and beseech our support for “truths” and in turn put our entire country into further jeopardy. It’s all about who you like despite the pitfalls of what’s behind them right… I’m talking about our current gov. administration. The same clan of people who have totally disregarded our own set of values, freedoms, and safety for their own personal gains.

We have an administration that has allowed attacks on our own soil to occur, ignoring warnings, and used them to further their own agendas for controlling freedoms, “tightening security” and increasing spending on governmental sponsored programs (and companies) to further their own interest (as well as their friends).

A government that is destroying the environment, by refusing environmental impact standards so big businesses can save money.

A government that has taken our country to war based on falsified and unchecked information from sources that we instilled in the country – the same sources that were selling American secrets to other countries. Where’s the WMDs? And now that we know the war is for Oil, Why the Fuck am I still paying 2.60 for gas!!! Who did the war benefit exactly?

And now we have an election year where half of the people (half those polled) seem to still want this type of repressive, lying, greedy, disrespectful, and fat cat government.

I heard the other day a republican say… “Ya know I really don’t like Bush, I don’t like what he’s done with the country. But I’m not voting for Kerry.” Why I ask. “Well at least with Bush I know what bad I can expect.”

WHAT THE FUCK kinda reasoning is that! Oh well Bush has put America in the largest deficit ever, alienated all but 2 allies, took over 2 countries – which he still has failed to help build back up as promised, our economy heading into the shit, job loss is at record highs, and our environment is down the drains… Hmmm Well I don’t see how ANYONE can fuck it up worse than Bush already has and I would hate to see how much worse 4 more years does to this country…

Last I hate to hear this whole thing about “Swing States”. It’s like the media projects on to the country that only these states will decide the election because it’s virtually already decided whom all the other states will vote for… Hmmm Great way to instill the virtues of voting for our younger generation.. “You have to get out and VOTE!!! .. but only if you live in the swing states because it doesn’t matter in the others…

I’d be shocked to see an increase in younger voter turn out after this Republican spin job…If you’re 18-24 I suggest you vote Kerry unless you WANT the draft to be reinstated and want to ride in badly armored vehicles in Iraq, you WANT further lying to the American people, you WANT more hidden government… Good luck guys….

Do you really care about the life you have and the life your children will be left with? Then Just Vote – No matter where you are…

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