Johnny Knoxville Cowers to the Flower Guy

So there’s this story floating about a fight at the local dive next to my APT here in SoHo – Mi’Lady’s. Its the only real dive in SoHo and I’m sure the aristocracy wonder why it still lingers in “their” nice area of town. Alas, the story in the rags is that Johnny roughed up a “frat-boy” for caressing with a rose, the cheek of his side-dish Kate Moss (oh I mean very, very, very, very close friend – Johnny is conveniently married to Melanie). The fiction continues with how Johnny stepped up, in typical Lancelot fashion, to save said princes Kate from the thorns and creepy-guy’s scrutiny and in the process picked up the Greek rosaphiliac and dropped him on his head. Then the Dukes star proceeded to break out hell when glass bottles go breaking in mid air and blood is spewed… or something to that effect…

Well being so close in the neighbor hood and that the place is much better than most of the pretentious cocktail establishments in this area, I heard some proper gossip. Apparently this story is yet another case of the PR manager of said Hollywood star, using the incident for publicity and dressing it up proper for a more Jackass biased story.

The guy “messing” with Kate Moss was actually one of the guys that makes his rounds of the local establishments to sell flowers. He offered the flower to Moss and after being dissed by Knoxville, turned to offer the flowers to Johnny. Drunk Johnny got a little verbally abusive as we all like to see the Jackass star do. Then up steps a few fellow Mexicans just off their dishwashing shift at a local restaurant to confront Johnny about his fellow man. From the state that Johnny was in and the reported size of the Mexicans, the local word is, Johnny was out numbered and out matched. Words, finger pointing, and some hand to hand contact ensued… a bottle fell off the table and the bar manager stepped in to “save Knoxville from getting his ass kicked”.

If not being the one offering a flower means not “create[ing] the problem” then yeah Johnny wasn’t the culprit here, but one thing is sure, Johnny is still a JackAss… So that being said, the gossip account in the rags is fluffed for our pleasure, although the real life account sounds more readable.

Great bar Frank, we’ll be back and line up Jack n Cokes for the next round!

NY Daily News account of the Knoxville incident

The “bible” of Scientology is a dull read

L. Ron Hubbard’s “Dianetics” is a fantastically dull, terribly written, crackpot rant — it’s also the founding text of Scientology. So, what does it actually say? (The majority of this post was taken from post by Laura Miller – link here)

“In a way, it’s impressive. Hubbard not only managed to get one of these books published, it actually became a bestseller and the founding text for Scientology. It’s not your garden-variety crank who can take a crackpot rant, turn it into a creepy gazillion-dollar church with the scariest lawyers around, and set himself up as the “Commodore” of a small fleet of ships, waited on hand and foot by teenage girls in white hot pants. But, I digress…”

From Tom Cruise: In Scientology, there is a test for sanity and comparative sanity which is so simple that anyone can apply it. What is the “communication lag of the individual? “Lag” means an interval between events. When asked a question, how long does it take him to answer? When a remark is addressed to him, how long does it take for him to register and return? The elapsed time is what is called the communication lag. The fast answer tells of the fast mind and the sane mind, providing the answer is a sequitur = something following logically; the slow answer tells of less ability and sanity. Marital partners who have the same communication lag will get along; where one partner is fast and one is slow, the situation will become unbearable to the fast partner and miserable to the slow one. Further, Scientology when applied will be more swiftly active in the case of the fast partner and so the imparity under processing will grow beyond either’s ability to cope with the matter.

More here

The American propagan..*cough* I mean PR machine at work

The Bush administration has decided to change up the name for the “Global War on Terror”. I’m sure it’s a sure fire way to garner new support for the effort (both from the public and the military recruiting officers).

New Name for ‘War on Terror’

Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld spoke in the new language on Friday, praising a retiring Navy officer who had served as “our country wages the global struggle against the enemies of freedom, the enemies of civilization”.