Bun Rieu Cua

Bun rieu cua is a Vietnamese soup noodle dish that has a tomato and tamarind flavored broth with meatballs made from ground pork, crab meat and shrimp meat. We’ve been cooking a lot of soups this cold winter and asian noodle soups especially. We used the recipe from Ravenous Couple. Here’s a shot of the prep and the final product. The only comments are we’ll need more pork and fresh crab would have been great too… :)

Day 26: Bun Rieu Cua

DJ Food – All Covered In Darkness (Parts 1 & 2)

This is not Detroit, man, this is the Super Bowl!

I watched both the Jets-Colts and Vikings-Saints game on Sunday. The Jets made it close in the first half, until Manning decided to step up and stop playing games with the Jets D line. The more exciting and excruciatingly painful game was the Vikings-Saints.

The Viks had every opportunity to win that game as a team with 4 turnovers going driving down the field the last few minutes of the 4th quarter, and a tied score on the field – the miracle was about to happen. Even the stupid 12 man penalty was forgotten when a field goal for the win was looking to be in reach. When Farve stepped up to throw what might be his last pass of his career:

Paul Allen of KFAN Radio in Minneapolis-St. Paul said it best, Brett could have taken a knee or ran up the field a few yards but did not need to force the throw. Toni Monkovic of NY Times notes the irony of both the blown play and one of the greatest of the season, held by Bret Farve this season.

With the 2010 game being the first Saints Superbowl, I’m on the side of Drew Brees to take the Gold and Black to the title.

Who needs expensive toys?

Living life as an adult can be complicated, stressful, and generally not that fun some times. However, it sometimes takes the innocence of children to help remind yourself that it shouldn’t take much to make you feel happy. One of our friend’s daughters is the first child and like the future oldest, she gets all the toys and attention she can garner. This particular holiday she received an artistic foam set of bowling pins, however, the plastic caring case they came in seems to be more fun worn as a hat around the house. *Obviously this is frowned upon for safety sake but I did capture this shot just before the urgent NO! was ordered.

Day 25: Child at Play