Strange Corilation

Ok so I will make one more interesting post on this and move on… for now… no promises that W won’t do anything stupid for the next 4 years (like build a higher boarder fence) but like I heard someone say… at least he’s done in 4 years…

I found this map on the internet somewhere…. notice the correlation between the free state territories and those states that vote more “liberally”. I hardly think this is a coincidence and began to wonder. Now that you think about it, was having the southern states secede in 1860 and then fighting our own civil war really worth it. I mean I can see how we would want all that farm land and the cotton that came out of there, but really… we’d be a much richer nation (not just in money but education and having all our teeth) if we just let em go… ya know then the Mexicans would just be filling up the southern territories and we’d have our free, diverse, prosperous and open nation… things would have been much different for sure but no… we had to keep racism, violence and stupidity running rampant didn’t we…

Looks like some things never change… red states are still red states…. I wonder when these Americans will truely wake up and learn to accept the differences of others rather than care to try and convert or oppress them…

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