Kerry Seen As Debate Winner Around World

Looking more “presidential” than the incumbent, John Kerry comes out with a victory with the first debate between the two large party candidates. Internationally, this was largely viewed and afterwards drew large support for Kerry’s stance on his international policies. Bush seemed to be confident yet near the end began to get frustrated and repeated his points over and over….seemingly because he didn’t write down enough rebuttals to Kerry’s broad store of knowledge on international matters.

I listened to the debate mostly and of what I saw Bush seem more comfortable speaking into the camera (to the public) (looking good) than “reciting” more on the issues presented; where Kerry spoke to his opponent and not to the people (in the camera) that need to hear the message most. Kerry is still a chill of a character but I’d rather have a boring president do the right job for the country than some coke snorting, war dodging, C student, greedy yet pleasantly warm & fuzzy puppet for a president.

News stories

Yahoo News Story Link

“Many Europeans forget that there is a war climate in the U.S., and that emotion can be more important than reason,” Hacke said.”
Christian Hacke, a political science professor at the University of Bonn, Germany

More International comments on Kerry’s margin of victory in the debate on 9/30/04

John Kerry was more presidential in his demeanor than incumbent George W Bush during their first debate on Thursday – a BBC News Story

“When you hear the same words with more frustrated body language, the message sounds like a lie.”
Patti Wood, an Atlanta-based consultant and expert on body language commenting on President W