The Afterparty

SF had an amazing afterparty culture. When SF kids go out they don’t expect to get home until dawn. I have known many girls that keep a change of clothes in their trunk in case they have to go straight to work the next day. The best afterparties don’t come with a flyer. They’re like one night stands (there’s dirty dishes in the sink and someone’s apologizing for the mess while they’re looking for alcohol). You know there’s a good chance the afterparty is going to be good if you’re in a carpool of 5 cars following each other and there’s less and less tall buildings outside and more and more trees. You shouldn’t leave a club early to go to an after party; the afterparty needs to be rubbing against the complete end of the last party that you squeezed every drop out of. That is the proper energy to bring to an afterparty. But, I don’t like to outlast afterparties, I like them to outlast me. I like to leave before it ends thinking that I may be missing something and reading my txts the next day to hear what happened…

White Heat Party, SF

I never got a chance to post the party info on the site nor have I done a timely review but here’s a quick blurb of the new monthly DJ gig I have in SF. A new crew (new to me) that has thrown a couple of parties before and is starting up a new monthly theme party at the Glass Kat. The first installment of the Liquid Orgazm parties (aren’t they all liquid?) is the white theme.

Photos of the event are available here

Email me for guestlist or if you need any info. Cheers!