The Gas Tax Hustle

If you’re listening to the political hype about the “Gas Tax Holiday” you know about this program that’s proposed initially by McCain (video) and backed by McCain and Hillary (opposed by Obama), which offers a break (3 months) from paying the taxes on gasoline through the summer – designed on the surface to ease the spending for Americans on gasoline for summer travel etc.

If you care enough to dig through this bullshit, they you’ll learn enough that this plan is fundamentally flawed for Americans and could actually be detrimental to the US economy as a result (says notable scholars and economists).

The highlights:

  • The plan would ultimately benefit the Oil Companies not the American people. There are no restrictions in the plan to prevent oil companies to further raise the price of gas to accomodate a cut in price. Ultimately we could pay the same and when the tax gets implemented again – BAM! a drastic increase.
  • The national average price of gas when this was first announced was $3.38, the current average as of today is $3.67 Cutting the cost by 18 cents (the current tax levied) amounts to less than a 5% reduction. This reduction could mean an average savings of between $20 and $28 per person depending on the source.

    Wow that’s totally enough to have a holiday in Flushing for a day!!! What a scam.

    The cheapest gas in the world – ranked is:
    1. Venezuela at 12 cents
    2. Iran at 40 cents
    3. Saudia Arabia 45 cents
    44. United States $3.45

    The most expensive in the world – ranked is:
    1. Eritrea $9.58
    2. Norway $8.73
    3. United Kingdom $8.38
    4. Netherlands $8.37
    5. Monaco $8.31
    108. United States $3.45