MD is the new Phil…

Everyone has those friends that either have tons of time on their hands to search for sweet internet snap shots of wasted time or others that are the forward kings and seem to just blindly forward on any and every email they receive regardless of content or entertainment value. Some of these friends we just block, add to our spam filters or just create folders for all their mail only to review once a week for real content or when asked up front “did you get my last message…you didn’t respond”. One such friend I have, we’ve encouraged to create a blog with all this content that’s been filling our inbox folders – which for the most part is good stuff – and funnel it through a website we can check on our own time… ie create a blog.

So one night, in mid session of beers, we forced the hand and created it for him – he’s been off and running like a true blogger ever since : The Minor Ripper. Discovering formatting, styles, adware, content, html code, tracking and even improved writing skills all come with the development of such projects. And now, not only can we check the content when we want to – comment publicly on the value of said content, but so can other like minded people out in the “blogsphere”…

In a way we’ve created a monster as he keeps up with the best of the rapid fire posters of the blogspot world. So when I came across this site today it reminded me of what the Ripper could be come… careful MD obsession is in you…

Click on picture to link through to PhilTube: